Apex Evo (or Evo LR) Extended Booty W/ W/o GPS SMA 20mm And 25mm 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Apex Evo (or Evo LR) Extended Booty W/ W/o GPS SMA 20mm And 25mm 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 393.7KB.


Pay attention to the size in the filename, 25mm standoff in the rear are uploaded.

20mm is stock

25mm is for aftermarket stack height increase.

apexEVO-LR_extended_booty_without_SMA_for_20MM_STANDOFFS.stl 250.5KB
apexEVO-LR_extended_booty_without_SMA_FOR_25MM_STANDOFFS.stl.stl 286.1KB
apexEVO-LR_extended_booty_with_SMA_for_20MM_STANDOFFS.stl 378.7KB
apexEVO-LR_extended_booty_with_SMA_for_25MM_STANDOFFS.stl 381.1KB