I recently saw an Instructable on using an old Android phone as a WiFi enabled webcam. Since I have been wanting to add a camera to my Da Vinci printer to monitor prints, I thought that was a great idea! However, somehow despite the large number of phone mounts and holders on Thingiverse, I could not find one that suited me. So I used http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:512350 as a basis, and rolled my own. It is adjustable by about 30 degrees in one direction, can be mounted vertically or horizontally, and holds its position very well.
The mounting base comes in two parts, (please refer to the pictures) and there are two options for each part. One version of the base can be mounted using two screws or there is a version that clips onto the corner rail of a Da Vinci 3D printer. A mounting piece slides into the base which holds the phone clip either flat or at a 30 degree angle. This piece is square so it can fit in any of four directions. Finally there is a clip that holds the phone which is adapted from Thing number 512350. The phone I had available is a Droid Bionic (68 mm wide) so the clip I have to offer fits that phone. See the instructions tab for information on adapting it to another type of phone.
I hope someone finds it useful, or at the very least gets a little inspiration from it!
The information on using a phone as a webcam can be found here... http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-A-Wi-fi-Webcam-From-An-Old-Android-Phone/
And here is the software that makes it happen... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pas.webcam.pro
Phone_Base_Bolt_On.stl | 261.2KB | |
Phone_Base_DaVinci.stl | 194.3KB | |
Phone_Clip_Bionic.stl | 654.2KB | |
Phone_Mount_All_Models.123dx | 386.1KB | |
Phone_Mount_Angled.stl | 356.4KB | |
Phone_Mount_Straight.stl | 398.8KB |