Your party is carving its way through the massive horde of Roper and take notice that several of the roper have turned their gaze, in horror, to something entering the opposite end of the cavern. Many of these roper have fallen silent, as they desperately attempt to blend in with the cavern, using their stony camouflage. Your wizard has noticed what the roper are so terrified of and quickly cast a veil of invisibility and implores the rest of the party to fall silent, in an attempt to bypass this new horror. The ancient orb floats into the view of the rest of the party, snarling and glaring as each of its eye stalks dart in every direction. Slowly, this ancient aberration turns its glare and all of its eye stalks to stare directly into the invisible abyss and with a deafening, demonic shriek, several of the eye stalks glow and flash. The wizard, and several roper, noticed that the veil had been dispelled and prepare for the imminent assault of this ancient beholder. The barbarian, who wasn't going to wait for the beholder to act first, is already lunging, battleaxe in hand, at the floating mass of eyes.
Roll for initiative.
ancient_beholder_token.obj | 15.0MB | |
ancient_beholder_token_stl.stl | 9.5MB |