This is the first part of a "Järvsöskåp" a swedish lockers derived from a county called Hälsingland in Sweden. These lockers got a long history in sweden and some of these lockers can be hundreds of years old!
This is the lower part of the lockers. I have yet to finish the upperpart or the door to the lower part since im exhausted after a 15 hour nonstop run making the lowerpart. I'm satisfied with the result.
I might do some more "polishing" on it later.
This is the first 3d print i have spent a devoted time on. Still learning. Still going strong.
EDIT: I added the door, a lock mechanism and a key 2017-03-12(year-month-day).
EDIT: I remodeled the door, made it bigger, i made the lock seperate and bigger. So glue is required. Bigger hinges for glueing. New key. 2017-03-13
**EDIT: I remodeled the door once again. I kept the original size but i made the hinges seperate and bigger, i also added small glue slots at the side of the door in which where to attach the hinges.
I also focused on simply making holes in the doors, where a piece of a metalclip have to suffice as a lock mechanism since it was a nuisance trying to design locks.
The upperpart is finished :D!
To the upperpart there is 2 boxes and hinges that needs to be glued to the door and the lockers. 2017-03-30(Year-Month-Day). **
CompleteJarvsoSkop.stl | 7.1MB | |
JarvoskopV7OtherHalf.stl | 7.5MB | |
jarvsoskopHalfV7.stl | 7.1MB | |
LowerPartJarvsoDoor_1.stl | 287.2KB | |
UpperPartJarvsoBoxesHinges.stl | 181.6KB | |
UpperPartJarvsoDoor.stl | 159.1KB | |
UpperPartJarvsoLockers.stl | 10.6MB | |
UpperPartJarvsoLockersLeftHalf.stl | 10.5MB | |
UpperPartJarvsoLockersRightHalf.stl | 181.6KB |