The file 'Alien – Tealight Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 4.3MB.
ͯIͯ ͯwͯͯaͯͯnͯͯtͯͯeͯͯdͯ ͯaͯ ͯvͯͯeͯͯrͯͯyͯ ͯuͯͯnͯͯiͯͯqͯͯuͯͯeͯ ͯtͯͯeͯͯaͯ ͯlͯͯiͯͯgͯͯhͯͯtͯ ͯhͯͯoͯͯlͯͯdͯͯeͯͯrͯ. ͯSͯͯoͯ ͯIͯ ͯmͯͯaͯͯdͯͯeͯ ͯtͯͯhͯͯiͯͯsͯ!
OBS!!! If you are using FDM printer and printing this in PLA, use electric Candles !
I suggest using resin printer (ABS-like resin doesn't burn so easily)
Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire !
Do not leave burning candles unattended !
Alien_Tealight_Holder.stl | 10.2MB |