Ailunce HD1 Dial Cage For SMA Or BNC Adapter 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
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The file 'Ailunce HD1 Dial Cage For SMA Or BNC Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 159.4KB.


A dial cage for the Ailunce HD1 Radio so your volume and channel dials don't get changed unintentionally when, for example, used in a pouch or a plate carrier.

Comes in two flavors:

SMA -> for use with the default antenna or other antennas that screw directly into the radio using the SMA connector

BNC -> for use with a SMA-F to BNC-F adapter which enables quick radio disconnects and a sturdier connection to the radio.

If you dont want to print this model yourself or if you dont want our logo included you can purchase it from our Etsy store at

Ailunce_HD1_dial_cage_BNC_Logo.stl 210.8KB
Ailunce_HD1_dial_cage_SMA_Logo.stl 181.3KB