The file 'Abus Lock Mount For Scorpion X2 (with Tracker Slot) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 115.8KB.
This print allows you to mount an ABUS SH6500 Bordo Xplus bike lock to a Juiced Bikes Scorpion X2 Ebike. This model will likely work with older scorpion models, but I have not tested this.
This was printed in PETG for weather resistance, but all prototyping for this part was done in PLA. PLA may work okay for this application. ( I recommend using 3-4 walls if using PLA)
Infill at 25% - 35% is recommended.
This model is designed to use minimal supports. Print in the default orientation with supports everywhere enabled. I suggest adding support blockers in the mounting and tracker holes as support is only needed for the notch. If you are using PETG, I would consider this mandatory because support materials and PETG do not get along.
Ebike_Lock_Mount_With_tracker.stl | 320.1KB |