A python script to generate OpenSCAD models to generate two parts of a box that screw together and snap fit if you find your way through the maze :)
UPDATE: because I got so many requests from people I now offer printed versions for sale at: http://www.hackerspaceshop.com/3dprinting/a-mazing-box.html
contact me for custom mazes :)
inset.py | 4.3KB | |
mazebox_clean2_stable.py | 3.9KB | |
mazebox_clean2_stable_bottom.scad | 786.0B | |
mazebox_clean2_stable_top.scad | 3.0MB | |
maze_bottom_stable4.stl | 5.7MB | |
maze_top_stable5.stl | 594.7KB | |
pyopenscad.py | 3.9KB | |
testpng.py | 272.0B | |
trianglemath.py | 1.6KB |