The file '80x20mm Generic Amazon Perfboard 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 110.8KB.
Couldn't find an existing STL of the cheap 80x20mm perfboard you can find on Amazon, Ebay, etc., and I needed it for prototyping. So here is the design I sketched up.
Dimensions are:
Overall size: 80mm x 20mm x 1.4mm
Holes: 28 rows, 6 columns
Hole diameter: 1mm
Hole spacing: 2.54mm
Long edge to centre of closest column: 3.65mm
Short edge to centre of closest row: 5.71mm
Mounting holes:
Diameter: 2mm
Centre distance from edges: 2mm
Holes are spaced 16mm apart centre to centre on the short sides, and 76mm apart on long sides
Perf80x20blank.stl | 840.5KB |