5 Inch LCD Touch Screen Case For OctoPi Control Center( Raspberry Pi ) 3D Printer Model

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File formats: stl
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The file '5 Inch LCD Touch Screen Case For OctoPi Control Center( Raspberry Pi ) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 218.1KB.


It's designed by my best friend VCBear, he is a real maker.
and you can use it as you will, create a Pi case for your raspberry Pi and make it as a control center of your 3D printer.
it's based on raspberry Pi and 5 inch GPIO HDMI touch screen, you can buy it from links below:
and you can get the user manual from this site: wiki.52pi.com
have fun! everybody!

picase_bottom.stl 2.2MB
picase_bottom_TFbase.stl 23.8KB
picase_top.stl 281.2KB