I really liked matthewlegates 's original design because it's adjustable, to handle multiple sizes of water bottle. I scaled it up by 3% so it could handle my typical powerade Zero bottles which are 89 mm in diameter. While I was at it, I was able to make it significantly shorter. I did this by chopping the model into thirds, removing the middle section, and recombining. Now, Fusion was giving me trouble, and mesh files are no-fun to work with. So that said, I had to use some trickery to recombine the files. All that's to say, when you go to slice the model, you might check that everything slices well around 61.5 mm up from the bottom (206 layers at 0.3 layer height). It does for me in Cura, but still worth checking for everyone.
Time will tell if Matthew's bottle holder was tall for a reason : ) But I took this for its first spin tonight and it held together great, with limited rattle even when using this small bottle. Happy printing : )
00_Bike_Holder_-_Shortened.step | 22.0MB | |
00_Bottle_Cage_6Scaled-unified.stl | 1.1MB |