This is a 3d printed lock, with a slightly bigger compartment than my last lock. Inside there are 4 pins, which can be 3d printed. For this design you also will need some springs. 4 above the pins. These need a diameter of 5 mm and a lenght between 15 and 20 mm. If you want to springload the drawer you need two springs with diameter 6 to 8 mm and a lenght between 10 and 25 mm. You also will need four m3 screws and nuts. In the drawer there are two holes for two 4 mm pins of length 10 mm, if you want the drawer to stop jumping out.
07_Part02.stl | 151.1KB | |
07_Part03.stl | 466.1KB | |
07_Part04.stl | 34.2KB | |
07_Part05.stl | 523.1KB | |
07_Part06.stl | 461.0KB | |
07_Part07.stl | 401.8KB | |
07_Part08.stl | 433.0KB | |
07_Part11.stl | 286.5KB | |
07_Part12.stl | 25.3KB | |
07_Part13.stl | 74.9KB |