3D-printable VIS-IR Spectrometer 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: FCStd,stl
Download type: zip

The file '3D-printable VIS-IR Spectrometer 3D Printer Model' is (FCStd,stl) file type, size is 770.5KB.


A spectroscope for UV-IR spectrometry.

I used an ELP USB-camera with and adjustable lens (this brand, they also have an Alieexpress store: https://www.webcamerausb.com/) and a piece of a broken CD as a diffraction grating. In order to see infrared, make sure your camera doesn't have an IR filter. The camera housing is taken apart and attached to the spectroscope using the front panel. The CD is held in place with a holder that can be rotated to any angle using an M2 screw. I recommend inserting a brass insert into the CD holder for this purpose as well. The entrace is a 0.8 mm slit, that can be narrowed using slit inserts down to 0.1 mm. A Toslink optical cable can be attached to the ligt entrance to make pointing at a light source easier.
I uploaded a version with a 25 degree angle between camera and slit, and a version with a 35 degree angle between the camera and slit ("increase angle").
I also uploaded the FreeCAD files if you want to make adjustments. I'm still a novice at CAD, so they aren't the easiest to modify though.

I reccomend the user-friendly software Theremino Spectrometer to interpret the spectra: https://www.theremino.com/en/downloads/automation (scroll down on this page until ou see the spectrometer section)

If you want to try VIS-IR absorption spectrometry, I recommend downloading this cuvette holder from Gaudilabs which works with the same Toslink cable: https://github.com/GaudiLabs/3DFiberSpectrometer/tree/main/CuvetteHolder/STL

The spectrum in the images is from a neon bulb.

CD_holder.FCStd 25.6KB
CD_holder.stl 17.1KB
Slit_insert.FCStd 15.1KB
Slit_insert_01.stl 2.4KB
Slit_insert_03.stl 2.4KB
Slit_insert_05.stl 2.4KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short.FCStd 159.1KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short.stl 214.5KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_cap.FCStd 49.5KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_cap.stl 263.0KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_increase_angle.FCStd 169.8KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_increase_angle.stl 214.8KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_increase_angle_cap.FCStd 53.7KB
Spectroscope_box_reflective_short_increase_angle_cap.stl 263.0KB