3D Print A Hill Models 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-ND
File formats: blend,stl
Download type: zip

The file '3D Print A Hill Models 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 3.5MB.


These hill models should help pupils better to understand topographic maps. Exercises for using these models in geography or science lessons are available here* or in Kristjan Rea master's thesis “Applying virtual 3D-models and physical 3D-models created by a 3D-printer for learning about the topic “Landforms and Groups of Landforms” in basic schools”. Link for the master's thesis: https://goo.gl/3Aq2gR
NB! It is recommended that pupils themselves participate in the process of making the these models.

Need küngaste mudelid peaksid aitama õpilastel paremini mõista topograafilisi kaarte. Ülesande, kuidas mudeleid geograafia või loodusõpetuse tundides rakendada leiate Kristjan Rea magistritööst “Virtuaalsete 3D-mudelite ja 3D-printeriga loodud füüsiliste mudelite rakendamine „Pinnavormide ja pinnamoe“ teema õppimiseks põhikoolis”. Veebilink magistritööle: https://goo.gl/3Aq2gR
NB! Võimalusel võiksid õpilased osaleda ka mudelite valmistamisprotessis (modelleerimises jne).

hill1.blend 1006.9KB
hill1.stl 363.5KB
hill2.blend 981.4KB
hill2.stl 363.6KB
hill3.blend 795.8KB
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hill4.blend 978.2KB
hill4.stl 363.5KB
hill5.blend 1.1MB
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hill6.blend 1.1MB
hill6.stl 492.4KB
hill7.blend 1.2MB
hill7.stl 492.4KB
hill8.blend 1.4MB
hill8.stl 640.8KB