3-pin Inlet Module Cover 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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The file '3-pin Inlet Module Cover 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 292.9KB.


I was building an arcade cabinet and fitted a 3 pin inlet module, however the inside was exposed, even with heatshrink/rubber covers etc it didnt fee super safe so I designed this cover.

Theres two types of case included, the full one but will need supports and I dont like supports personally so did one with a clip on cap too. Both are the same size. Obviously you only need to print the full one or the body & lid.

Its 50mm tall so the internal wiring needs to be lower than 50mm, which is only an issue for the loops that go to the switch. The screw holes are for 3mm countersunk screws.

I've included pics of the item I used, they are very common so shouldnt be much different between them. They dont actually interface together as such, the inlet module screws in on one side, and my case screws in on the other with a few mm space.

Cover_Body.stl 370.6KB
Cover_Full.stl 424.3KB
Cover_Lid.stl 644.8KB