I've added a version 2 of the car rail - it is a little bigger, as the original version does not support all different kinds of car.
Moreover, I've added a 0.3 mm high stripes to be printed in different color. Here is the example tutorial:
M600 or M601 ;pause
M300 ;activate beeper
M104 S195 ;Sets target temperature for nozzle. In my case, I print with 195 deg, you can adjust it according to your filament;
M602 ;Resume SD card print from long pause.
And VIOLLA - you have a multi-color printing - black rails with nice yellow stripes.
Actually, this is not my original design. I found this wonderful model here:
and made it printable. I also changed the bogies, as the original ones are extremely detailed. I may also someday make them printable too.
I made it in several parts, so that we have a 3-in-1 cart:
The only difference is the top part. I've included a complete model, but with small number of polygons to help you in assembling the model, especially the lower railings.
Have fun, and don't forget to show us your prints of the model..
avtovoz.stl | 6.3MB | |
avtovoz_bogie_2.stl | 1.8MB | |
body_lower.stl | 2.1MB | |
body_upper.stl | 1.4MB | |
ladder.stl | 2.6MB | |
platform.stl | 87.0KB | |
rail_back_x2.stl | 1.1MB | |
rail_car_x4.stl | 48.9KB | |
rail_front.stl | 2.3MB | |
rail_lower_left_1.stl | 50.6KB | |
rail_lower_left_2.stl | 52.1KB | |
rail_lower_left_3.stl | 61.2KB | |
rail_lower_right_1.stl | 50.6KB | |
rail_lower_right_2.stl | 52.1KB | |
rail_lower_right_3.stl | 61.2KB | |
rail_top_left.stl | 217.4KB | |
rail_top_right.stl | 217.3KB | |
rail_top_x2.stl | 217.4KB | |
step_x2.stl | 1.1MB |