.22LR 100 Round Ammunition Box 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: scad,stl
Download type: zip

The file '.22LR 100 Round Ammunition Box 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 377.4KB.


.22LR Ammunition box with 100 round capacity, removable insert, and sliding lid. I've not yet printed this yet, so I can't guarantee it will work as it should!

OpenSCAD and STL files included.

EDIT: I've now printed this and need to make some adjustments which I will add to this Thing soon. In short, the two supportive posts in the centre of the Ammo Box itself on which the insert sits snapped off a little too easily, and are in fact redundant as the supports in the corners are enough.

More importantly, the 6mm holes for the .22LR rounds are just a small bit too snug. Rounds fit in them with a little coaxing, and came out again with a LOT of coaxing, so they need to be widened to 6.5 or even 7mm which in turn will change the total sizing of the box and insert itself.

22LR_Ammo_Box.scad 1.2KB
22LR_Ammo_Box.stl 62.4KB
22LR_Ammo_Box_Insert.scad 11.3KB
22LR_Ammo_Box_Insert.stl 1.9MB
22LR_Ammo_Box_Lid.scad 174.0B
22LR_Ammo_Box_Lid.stl 1.4KB