20ml Paint Tube Holder In Different Sizes 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file '20ml Paint Tube Holder In Different Sizes 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 47.9KB.


This Paint Tube Holder holds a maximum of 32 paint tubes. There's different versions available for different sizes, as well as only 1 side. The paint I use is 29.5mm at it's end, which fits perfectly. This will also work for smaller 12ml tubes. It has been tested with Talens 20ml tubes and Winsor and Newton 14ml Gouache tubes.

The walls are 2.4mm thick. If you print with 3 walls (with a .4mm nozzle) it will be solid. In my case printing with 2 walls was perfectly acceptable. Even just 1 walls is mostly likely fine. The largest one comes out to about 250-300g of filament with 10% infill.

It's been made to be easy to print. No need for supports or any sort of clean up.

paint_holder_12.stl 31.4KB
paint_holder_12x2.stl 54.9KB
paint_holder_16.stl 40.3KB
paint_holder_16x2.stl 72.5KB
paint_holder_4.stl 11.4KB
paint_holder_4x2.stl 18.6KB
paint_holder_8.stl 22.1KB
paint_holder_8x2.stl 36.8KB