1957 Lotus Seven (Pinewood Derby Car Shell) 3D Printer Model

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The Lotus Seven was produced by the British car manufacturer Lotus between 1957 and 1972. It is a simple, lightweight open top two-seater. Early engines didn't have much horsepower, but the car has always been quick and sporty because of its weight.

BONUS: The car is pictured with show wheels and tires, not legal for racing. Models are included for the show wheels and tires, in case you'd like to use them. (The larger tires obviously are intended for the rear.)

What is a "pinewood derby car shell"?

A pinewood derby is an event created by the Boy Scouts many years ago. Each scout is given a pinewood derby kit typically consisting of a block of wood with slots for axles, 4 wheels, and 4 nails to be used as axles. The scout (and his dad, usually) will then carve the block of wood into the shape of a car, paint it and apply stickers, install the wheels on the axles, and then race it at the "derby", which involves a sloped track with a timekeeping apparatus.

An official scout derby will usually require that the parts in the kit be used for cars entered in the derby. Other organizations (including workplaces) often hold derbies, too, and some of them require the use of the parts in the box, including the block of wood.

These "pinewood derby car shells" are intended to be used with an official derby wood block, cut down to size, along with the axles and wheels included in the kit. A printable model of the shaped wood block is provided. You can either use the printed model or use it to accurately cut an official wood block down to size.

Alignment_Pin_x2.stl 38.9KB
Body.stl 857.9KB
Convertible_Top.stl 192.9KB
Exhaust.stl 521.0KB
Front_Fender_-_Left.stl 146.8KB
Front_Fender_-_Right.stl 146.8KB
Grille.stl 97.8KB
Headlight_Assembly_-_Left.stl 134.0KB
Headlight_Assembly_-_Right.stl 134.0KB
Headlight_x2.stl 493.8KB
Hub_Cap_x5.stl 507.5KB
Rear_Fender_-_Left.stl 381.3KB
Rear_Fender_-_Right.stl 381.3KB
Seat.stl 46.8KB
Shaped_Block.stl 30.2KB
Spare_Tire_Carrier.stl 66.7KB
Spare_Tire_Wheel.stl 371.3KB
Steering_Wheel.stl 329.4KB
Taillight_x2.stl 190.3KB
Tire_x5.stl 455.7KB
Turn_Signal_x2.stl 634.2KB
Wheel_x4.stl 383.7KB
Windshield.stl 60.4KB