This is a BIG print. You will need a printer like the CR-10s to be able to print the pieces in 1/3 scale. If you are doing 1/4th or 1/12th scale then a smaller printer will work.
I used e6000 glue to hold it together.
I printed the piano keys with a brim, and left them connect to the brim to avoid mixing up their order.
The red is just construction paper glued in place.
assembled.stl |
dish.stl |
draw_knob.stl |
keys.stl |
left_backplate.stl |
left_console.stl |
left_desk.stl |
left_faceplate.stl |
left_frame_lower.stl |
left_frame_upper.stl |
left_picture_frame.stl |
left_topper.stl |
left_upper_faceplate.stl |
music_stand_bracket.stl |
right_backplate.stl |
right_console.stl |
right_desk.stl |
right_faceplate.stl |
right_frame_lower.stl |
right_frame_upper.stl |
right_picture_frame.stl |
right_topper.stl |
right_upper_faceplate.stl |
sharp.stl |
sharps.stl |
sheet_music_holder.stl |
shelf_bracket.stl |
upper_dish.stl |