12V Aux Power Rail For RAMPS And 2020 Extrusion 3D Printer Model

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Have many 12V printer accessories and only one 12V AUX header on your RAMPS board? Print this power rail and attach it to the 2020 extrusion on your printer which will allow you to connect four 12V devices.

I use it for a hot end fan, stepper driver fan and LED strip.


  1. Cut a strip of vero board 4 tracks wide and 5 holes long
  2. Solder two rows of 5 header pins along the middle two rows of the vero board. Check you haven't bridged the two rows using a multimeter.
  3. Print the Aux Power Rail holder.
  4. Slide the vero board into the power rail holder.
  5. Attach to a spare section of 2020 extrusion with a T nut as 12mm M5 bolt.
  6. Connect one pair of pins on the vero board to the 12V aux connection on your RAMPS board using female to female DuPont connectors.
  7. Connect your 12V accessories to the remaining header pins. Ensure you have the polarity correct.
12V_Aux_Power_Rail_for_RAMPS_and_2020_Extrusion.stl 59.7KB