12 Gauge Wire Connectors 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: f3d,stl
Download type: zip

The file '12 Gauge Wire Connectors 3D Printer Model' is (f3d,stl) file type, size is 1.3MB.


Make your own creation using these connectors for 12 gauge wire (I'm using wire intended for drop-ceilings)

These .stl files include a tolerance of 0.15mm. Use the .f3d file to change the parameters for other tolerances, wire sizes, connector length, or wall thickness.

12_Gauge_Wire_Connectors.f3d 521.2KB
I.stl 119.2KB
L.stl 267.7KB
L_with_riser.stl 374.6KB
T.stl 307.6KB
T_with_riser.stl 403.0KB
X.stl 380.6KB
X_with_riser.stl 468.3KB