1:100 SIG33 Infantry Gun 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: STL,x_t
Download type: zip

The file '1:100 SIG33 Infantry Gun 3D Printer Model' is (STL,x_t) file type, size is 3.7MB.


Cut the sIG33 out of TigerAce's awesome sIG 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I, in order to use it stand alone.

Increased the circular resolution of the barrel and wheels by extruding cylinders down the length.

I had to tweak the scale, as even at 1:100 is was still a bit too small. It was scaled until the overall length matched what was published on Wikipedia.

Also changed the origin so that it printed with the barrel parallel to the build plate.

Use m_bergman's Sd Kfz 11 to tow for FoW.

Update: Included a version pre-based for FoW, as well as an elevated gun. I think the pivot point on the original is located too far back, so I had to improvise and guess where to locate the barrel. At 15mm, it should look ok, but suggestions welcome.

sIG33_1-100.STL 226.1KB
sIG33_1-100.x_t 2.6MB
sIG33_1-100_based.STL 239.1KB
sIG33_1-100_based.x_t 2.6MB
sIG33_1-100_based_elevated.STL 264.1KB
sIG33_1-100_based_elevated.x_t 2.8MB
sIG33_1-100_elevated.STL 251.1KB
sIG33_1-100_elevated.x_t 2.8MB