10th (or 9th) Doctor Sonic Screwdriver 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip
Size:749.16 KB

The file '10th (or 9th) Doctor Sonic Screwdriver 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 749.16 KB.


There were a couple of models out there for the 10th doctors screwdriver, but I wasn't entirely on board with any of them out there, plus I really liked the way that Ellindsey did the 11th doctor's screwdriver (thing:169870) in that each part could be printed with a different color filament and could then be assembled into a prop without painting. Also I plan to wire it up with an LED and a button on the side or bottom. The files currently have a hollow center for the wiring, once I find a suitable button ill alter some piece of the screwdriver to house it and upload the new part.

Also this can easily be the 9th doctor's sonic screwdriver with a color change either through printing in different colors or painting differently

UPDATE I have printed it out as of now and it went great. Although painting is not necessary for this part (if you have all the colors) I painted the gray parts with some silver paint to give it a bit more of a metallic look. Also I wound up re-sizing the clear inner housing to make sure it slid easily through the screwdriver. I have uploaded the new file. All should be good to go.

UPDATE2 In other news I have decided to make all the past versions of the Doctor's Sonic Screwdrivers say maybe one a week until they are completed so stay tuned :)

UPDATE3 --- 3/14/17 --- Some have had issues printing the inner clear piece of the screwdriver (drw10scr-insd.stl) It appears this is mainly due to wall thickness and what your printer is tuned to be able to print, or extruding diameter. Therefore I have uploaded a version 2 of that file with a tad thicker walls to hopefully get around that issue for those that are having a problem. look for drw10scr-insd-V2
