10 Gallon Aquaponics System 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
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This thing allows you to use an inexpensive 10 gallon fish tank for an experimental aquaponics growing system.

The goal is to create equilibrium between the fish, the plants, and the water. You feed the fish, the fish feed the plants and the plants clean the water, then you eat the fish and plants. That is the theory. We are testing it now.

I added 2 new grow pot holders using my anti warp panels that should be a lot easier to print.

I added a new grow pot holder with a bigger hatch, This is much better for servicing your fish. Look for v3 parts.

I split the grow pot into two pieces for smaller print beds. I have not printed it so please let me know if it works. You will have to glue them together.

10_Galon_Aquaponics.pdf 2.6MB
BubbleTubes.stl 208.0KB
GravelFilter.stl 2.8MB
GrowCup.stl 640.1KB
GrowPotHolder.stl 262.7KB
GrowPotHolderFeedLid.stl 36.1KB
GrowPotHolderTubes.stl 72.6KB
GrowPotHolderWfeedHatch_v2.stl 3.2MB
GrowPotHolder_door_v3.stl 157.6KB
GrowPotHolder_hooks.stl 3.6KB
GrowPotHolder_PartA.stl 473.8KB
GrowPotHolder_PartB.stl 564.6KB
GrowPotHolder_v2.stl 3.1MB
GrowPotHolder_v3.stl 3.6MB
GrowPotHolder_wFeedDoor.stl 370.9KB