printed the original that was in the spanner hands files and realized it was way bigger than the brass connector that came with the 1.75mm kit I bought off Amazon so I made my own in Solid-works using the thread wizard and 1/4-28 thread. It ended up cutting a bit of its own threads though so I suspect the part I was sent is actually M6 (5.85mm when measured with my calipers. If you don't have solid works to adjust to your size fitting I can change it for you or getting the next size down drill bit and letting the brass cut the thread will work too.
I realized after a few times printing with this spool system that it has a tendency to break more delicate filaments when not mounted facing the extruder. I added an internal fillet to help guide the filament in and prevent breakage in the future. I will implement additional modifications as I continue to test the design.
small_pfte_nozzle.SLDPRT | 344.5KB | |
small_pfte_nozzle.STL | 4.5MB | |
Version_2_small_pfte_nozzle_175mm.STL | 3.4MB |