1-2-3 Block Pair Tray 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: STL,thing
Download type: zip

The file '1-2-3 Block Pair Tray 3D Printer Model' is (STL,thing) file type, size is 44.9KB.


123 Blocks (or 1-2-3 Blocks) are used in the machine shop for setup and inspection. Sometimes, they are well-matched in size and should be kept together in pairs. In any case, they should be kept from banging around in the tool box, both to keep them protected and to protect other tools from their hardened surfaces.

These trays are designed to hold a pair of blocks neatly, protect them, and have holes on the bottom of the tray to prevent buildup of crud.

2block.STL 97.2KB
2block.thing 24.9KB