設定層高0.2、壁厚0.8和10% 填充的單個完整印刷品重量約為 13 克。
這個檔案的首個樣品誕生於 新北市鶯歌區二橋國小
As Elementary school students are to begin their new semesters this week, the Ministry of Education,Taiwan has ordered schools to use dividers during lunch to counter coronavirus. (COVID-19)
But that dividers is unstable, this dividers holder can let you have a happy lunch time.
Er-Qiao Elementary School, New Taipei City, Taiwan
-固定座-1.5mm.stl | 273.8KB | |
-固定座-2mm.stl | 276.8KB | |
-固定座-3mm.stl | 270.9KB |